Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Draw of Mysticism

It happens to all of us. The idea of mysticism draws us in with caressing tendrils of hope and promise. Astrological compatibility, tarot cards, horoscopes, psychics... All of it is so New Age and unfamiliar. And it usually rakes in lots of cash. Who can forget the late night commercials where self-proclaimed psychic Miss Cleo would hawk her psychic abilities convincing people to call her.

I consider myself to be an idealist and more than a little bit of a romantic. More often than not, you will see me sighing over a well-written love scene. And I have also been drawn into the Romanticism that makes mysticism so interesting.

After a conversation that occurred at work, I armed myself with the every trusty Internet and delved into the deep and often differently interpreted world of astrological signs and astrological compatibility. What signs to avoid and what signs to make a running leap into their awaiting arms. (Hey, if it happens in movies and books, it can happen in real life.)

But I believe that it is possible that we project ourselves onto our horoscopes. We look for a way to fit our lives into the little blurbs and look for ways to say, "Oh my gosh! That fits my life perfectly!"

A couple of years ago, I had a friend read me my cards. What was strange was that it fit my current personal situation to a T. But the question I have to ask myself is this: Was I projecting myself onto the cards, wanting what she was saying to relate to my in some way? I will honestly never know in that situation, which leads me to my questions for you.

Do you read horoscopes and believe in them?

Do you believe that we project our lives onto horoscopes?

Could the stars really hold the answers to all the questions that we have?

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